“Multipurpose Reloading Complex” congratulates with New Year
"Multipurpose Reloading Complex renews equipment"
“Multipurpose Reloading Complex” increased financing of environmental programme
The results of the implementation of social programme of “Multipurpose Reloading Complex”
The results of the implementation of development programme of “Multipurpose Reloading Complex”
for 9 months of 2015
The turnover of “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” increased by 10.5%
The results of the implementation of the social programme of LLC “Multipurpose Reloading Complex”
“Multipurpose Reloading Complex” increased financing of environmental programme
The results of the implementation of the development programme of “Multipurpose Reloading Complex”
in the 1st half of 2015
The turnover of “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” grew by 5%
“Multipurpose Reloading Complex” congratulates with Day of Workers of Sea and River Fleet
New version of website of LLC “Multipurpose Reloading Complex”
The terminal of LLC “Multipurpose reloading complex” put into operation new dust suppression plant
The results of the implementation of social programme of “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” in the 1st quarter of 2015
The results of the implementation of the environmental programme of LLC “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” in the 1st quarter of 2015
LLC “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” will participate in 20th anniversary exhibition “TransRussia -2015”
The turnover of “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” grew by 12%
“Multipurpose Reloading Complex” congratulates women with spring holiday
In 2014 “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” transferred 2.67 mln Rubles for the implementation of the social programmes
The results of the implementation of the environmental programme of LLC “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” in 2014
The results of the implementation of the development programme of “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” in 2014
In 2014 the turnover of “Multipurpose Reloading Complex” grew by 15%